Sella Corporate & Investment Banking is the business division specialized in corporate finance transactions

Who we are

We are your global partners for your projects of transformation and growth. We invest with you in the sustainable financial system of the future.

We support entrepreneurs, companies, startups and financial sponsor in order to realize extraordinary transactions with a complete offer of corporate Investment Banking solutions and Advisory services.

We offer competence, transparency and skills at the service of our Clients and innovative tailor-made solutions to support the realization of your projects in Italy and all over the world. We invest in developing a sustainable financial ecosystem of investors along with our Clients.

Businesses, entrepreneurs and innovation
Businesses, entrepreneurs and innovation
Sella has always been close to small and medium-sized enterprises with projects of growth and innovation in the corporate life
Complete and integrated offer
Complete and integrated offer
We offer advisory and Corporate Investment Banking solutions, along with the Group's offer in order to meet our Clients' needs
Expertise and commitment
Expertise and commitment
We offer our long experience with dedication and commitment in order to realize corporate finance transactions, with an high level of complexity

Our mission is to support entrepreneurs' transformation and growth projects and to grow the sustainable financial system of the future.

Giacomo Sella
Head of Corporate & Investment Banking
Main operations

Case history

The established experience of Sella Corporate & Investment Banking is shown on the several successful deals carried on the Italian and international markets.

See the most important deals

Our team

Giacomo Sella
Head of Corporate & Investment Banking
Giacomo Sella

Before heading Sella Corporate & Investment Banking, Giacomo worked at Daiwa SBCM UK as Executive Director, and at Bain & Co. Italy.

MSc in Economics - University of Turin
MBA - Columbia Business School (USA)

Stefano Crosta
Managing Director
Stefano Crosta

Stefano joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2018. Previously, he worked in the Leveraged Finance division of GE Capital in London (GE Corporate Finance Bank) and Milan (GE Capital Interbanca) and in the Structured Finance division of Banca Ifis.

MSc in Economics - Bocconi University
MBA - SDA Bocconi/Wharton

Francesco Falcone
Managing Director
Francesco Falcone

Francesco joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2023. He started his career at Deloitte Financial Advisory Services in 2006 and then he moved to UniCredit Corporate & Investment Banking. During his career he has managed several M&A deals, IPOs and capital raising transactions for both listed and private companies.

Master of Science in Economics and Finance - Bocconi University and Visiting Student at Maastricht University (The Netherlands)

Graziano Novello
Managing Director
Graziano Novello

Graziano joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2018. Previously, he worked at Banca Sella as head of corporate credit (responsible for development of minibond product) and head of Udine branch, at Intesa Sanpaolo as head of corporate credit in Friuli Venezia Giulia area (covering several other roles in the credit sector) and at Banca del Friuli in the merger with Credito Romagnolo.

Michele Cinguino
Executive Director
Michele Cinguino

Michele joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2009, gaining experience in the financial and fintech sector.

Msc in Finance - University Bocconi

Francesco Andrulli
Francesco Andrulli

Francesco joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2014. Previously, he worked as financial analyst at Ardian Private Equity.

Msc in Finance - University Bocconi

Andrea D'Orta
Andrea D'Orta

Andrea joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2009. Previously, he worked as consultant at Macfin Group, and as analyst at Procter & Gamble and Sanpaolo IMI (New York).

Msc in Finance -University of Rome Tor Vergata
Executive MBA - SDA Bocconi 

Danilo Dragone
Associate Director
Danilo Dragone

Danilo joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2016. Previously, he worked as financial analyst at Allianz.

Msc in Finance - University of Turin

Antonio Faedda
Associate Director
Antonio Faedda

Antonio joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2018. Previously, he worked at Banca Sella and at Banca Agricola Mantovana as corporate credit manager in Lombardy (SMEs, mid cap, large corporate), covering several other roles in the credit area.

Msc in Economics and Management - University Bocconi
Chartered tax accountant

Giovanni Calabrese
Giovanni Calabrese

Giovanni joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2023. Previously, he worked in the Investment Team of Redstone a Berlin based early stage multi-VC-fund asset manager - as Investment & Data Intelligence, and at Testbusters and Test We Can in Milan - two Italian EdTech startups. Giovanni co-founded "Italians in VC", a global network and community of Italian investors and operators in the Venture Capital industry.

BSc in Business Administration & Management - Bocconi University
MSc Double Degree in Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology - Bocconi University
MSc Double Degree in Innovation and Business Development - Copenhagen Business School

Sergio Colombo
Sergio Colombo

Sergio joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2022. Previously, he worked at Fante Group as Senior Analyst, as Senior Consultant in PwC Transaction Services and as Senior Auditor in Deloitte.

MSc in Management - Bocconi University
BSc in Finance - Bocconi University

Giada Coluccia
Giada Coluccia

Giada joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2021. Previously, she worked as Consulting Analyst at Accenture.

MSc in AFC - University Bocconi
MSc in Finance - Católica Lisbon

Ivan Di Martino
Ivan Di Martino

Ivan joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2023. He previously worked in strategic planning at Banco Desio, strategic consulting at Jbmc consulting, and credit risk and credit strategy & pricing consulting at Prometeia.

Master I level in Accounting - Ipe Business School

Alessandro Villa
Alessandro Villa

Alessandro joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2019.

Master in Economy and Finance at Luiss Guido Carli

Giorgia Balestreri
Giorgia Balestreri

Giorgia joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2023.

BSc in Economics and Management at LUISS Guido Carli
MSc in Corporate Finance at LUISS Guido Carli with Double Degree in Global Finance at Fordham Gabelli School of Business in New York City

Alessandro Campagna
Alessandro Campagna

Alessandro joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2023. Previously, he worked in the Advisory M&A division at MPS Capital Services.

Bachelor's degree in Management at LUISS Guido Carli. Master's degree in Corporate Finance at LUISS Guido Carli, exchange program at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany

Giulia Giorgi
Giulia Giorgi

Giulia joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2023

Msc in AFC - University Bocconi and Exchange program - Aalto University

Nicola Marcelli
Nicola Marcelli

Nicola joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2022

MSc in Economics and Finance - Luiss Guido Carli

Fabio Morlando
Fabio Morlando

Fabio joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2022. Previously, he worked as Investment Banking Analyst at Collins Dale Capital Partners.

MSc in Economics and Finance at Luiss Guido Carli - Exchange program at George Mason University (VA, USA)
BSc in Business Economics at University of Naples Federico II - Exchange program at Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (PT)

Agostino Oscar Pistolesi
Agostino Oscar Pistolesi

Agostino joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2023. Previously, he worked in PwC within the Operations Transformation LoS recording vertical experiences to the Digital Payments world, and in Alchimia Investments, a Venture Capital operator Italian based with international focus, active in investments in early-stage SaaS startups.

Msc in Management Engineering - Major in Finance - Politecnico di Milano - Kedge Business School
Bsc in Management Engineering - Politecnico di Milano

Elisa Recchioni
Elisa Recchioni

Elisa joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2023. Previously, she worked as Venture Capital Analyst at nFront Venture in Norway and later in a RE Asset management company that is part of the Blackstone group, operating between Italy and Spain.

BSc Degree in Economics and Management - Luiss Guido Carli University 
MSc Degree in Finance - Nova school of business and economics

Francesco Talpo
Francesco Talpo

Francesco joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2022.

BSc in Economics and Finance - Bocconi University
MSc in Finance - Bocconi University

Riccarda Savi
Financial Business Controller
Riccarda Savi

Riccarda joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2013. Previously, she worked in the strategic planning unit at Banca Sella.

Msc in Economics and Management - University Bocconi

Valeria Biondo
HR Business Partner
Valeria Biondo

Valeria joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2023. Previously she worked as Human Resources Business Partner at major insurance and real estate companies in Milan, with a focus on recruiting, development, and performance appraisal.

MSc in Contemporary Philosophy - University of Messina
MSc in Human Resources - Milan

Roberta Crescini
Business Support & Development Manager
Roberta Crescini

Roberta joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2021. Previously, she worked in the equity & fixed income unit at Banca Sella Holding.

PH.D. in Economics - Marche Polytechnic University 

Marta Gallio
Legal Manager
Marta Gallio

Marta joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2022. Previously, she worked as a lawyer at K-Studio Associato Legal and Tax Advice (KPMG Italy) in Turin and PwC TLS Professional Association of Lawyers and Accountants (PwC Italy) in Turin, operating mainly in the Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity & Venture Capital, Banking & Finance and Capital Markets practices.

Law Degree with Major in Corporate and Financial Market Law - "Luigi Bocconi" Commercial University (Milan) - Erasmus University (Rotterdam) - London School of Economics and Political Sciences (London)
Qualification to practice as a lawyer - 2018

Livia Lovari
Marketing Specialist
Livia Lovari

Livia joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2022. Previously, she worked as marketing specialist in different industries.

Bachelor Degree in Business Administration & Management - LUISS Guido Carli University
Master Degree in Management - LUISS Guido Carli University and Exchange program at Skema Business School

Riccardo Lucà
Business Analyst
Riccardo Lucà

Riccardo è entrato in Sella Corporate & Investment Banking nel 2023.

Laurea in Amministrazione Aziendale - Università di Torino
MBA - SAA-School of Management (Torino)

Davide Montalbetti
Personal Assistant and Office Manager
Davide Montalbetti

Davide joined Sella Corporate & Investment Banking in 2024. Previously, he worked in planning and personnel management.

Bachelor degree in Political Science and International Relations - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Master degree in European and International Politics - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Our network

A global network of investment banks and boutiques, founded in 2002, specialized in M&A transactions and Corporate Finance advisory. It has a presence in more than 45 countries, with more than 450 deals closed in the last five years for a combined value exceeding $115 billion.
More info on Terra Alliance


Office locations

Milano office

Via F. Sassetti 32, 20121 Milano
Fax: 015 2433931

Biella office

Piazza G. Sella 1, 13900 Biella
Fax: 015 2433931

Napoli office

Via dei Mille 34/36, 80121 Napoli
Fax: 015 2433931